Saturday, February 21, 2009

Much Bragging about Nothing

While reading the newspaper this morning, I can’t help but marvel with my new crush, Jovie Ann Decoyna, who topped the 36, 455 passers of the November 2008 Nursing Board Exam. Nothing much is supposed to be marvelous in her exemplary performance in the board exam, except for the fact that she is an Ibaloi, and a daughter of a farmer and OFW. Just like what I felt during my undergraduate years in PNU, I was once again challenged. If this girl did, yes we can! (Obama are you in?)

However, a more intriguing issue regarding the latest Nursing Board exam is the roster of top performing schools. It appears that the not-so-advertised schools like Xavier University and Silliman University are among the top ten. Ironically, the self-proclaimed “best” schools were not included. The list provided by PDI involves schools with “100 or more examinees” and I’d like to give the nursing (business) schools the benefit of the doubt. [But is it really possible that these schools have more than 341 examinees—the number of takers from Xavier?]


Every time I roam around the metro, I would see gigantic billboards parading their graduates who “topped” the board, which is then followed by a highly fallacious statement: “We are no. 1.” Among the fallacy-stricken schools are the OLFU (Our Lady of Fatima University)—which has advertisements along the Novalichez area—and UERM (University of the East Ramon Magsaysay, I’m not sure if the acronym is correct)—which has an advertisement along E. Rodriguez.

Let me clarify that I have nothing against these schools, nor the graduates of these schools. I have friends who graduated from these schools who are now applying the nursing skills that they have acquired from these schools.

At the end of the day, my message is simple.

As students and future parents, let us be vigilant on choosing the school that would educate us and our children. Be cynical, if possible. Ask yourself, “Will this school really help me in bringing out the best in me? Will this school provide me with the competencies that I need when I go out in the field and work? Or will this school just profit from my tuition and other fees?”

The school is a place for exploring the world and oneself, and one thing’s for sure: If the “school” prioritizes profit over learning, that is not a school. That is a company. I know one in Laguna. Beware.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Why Evil Men Live Long

The Filipino cliché “Masamang damo, matagal mamatay” is aptly used in today’s pressing situation—most especially in relation to Gloria Arroyo’s administration and family. Indeed, Mrs. Arroyo and her minions’ evilness seethe through the marrow to the point of controlling death to work its way. Is it possible that Hades is bribable?

I just can’t help but ask, “Why in the world does FG Mike Arroyo suddenly become ‘unhealthy’ during exposés of his crimes?” Moreover, I ask myself, “Why is he still alive anyway?” Yeah, when the issue “dies down” he resurrects and plays golf.

Malacañang appears to have lost its creativity in making alibis. Their scriptwriters probably thought that since the “health reasons” alibi “worked” during the NBN-ZTE scandal (in reality, it did not), then it would more likely work again the Nth time around.

But the Filipino people stopped from being ignorant long ago (unfortunately, Filipinos begin to be indifferent). No one in his/her right mind would believe such poorly written stories coming out of the Liars’ Den.

Speaking of liars, it is very important to note the infuriating statements made by the executive liar Eduardo Ermita. Assuming that every accused has his/her rights, don’t we have to? Shouldn’t we hear the explanations regarding FG’s involvement in these corruption cases straight from him? Why does he continue to deny the allegations when documents tell of his involvement? The constitution clearly states that the people have the right to know. Obviously, these braggarts don’t have any plans to respect the rule of law.

Ermita is even too arrogant to say that FG should not face the senate inquiry because this might “stress” him, and that FG should play golf instead. Ah, a man truly worthy to be clubbed down. If Ermita would just act human, even for a very short time, he will know how “stressed” Filipinos are. No, “stressed” is too soft a term. “Pissed off” is more appropriate.

The Arroyo administration is dead wrong if they think that the “resilience” of their government is due to the people’s support. This evil people live long, because they have established a strong relationship with the forces of darkness.