Friday, February 15, 2008

Case Closed?

No matter what cover up they do, the obnoxious odor under the carpets of the corrupt Palace will surely stink.

Even a citizen not fully aware of the situation happening regarding the ZTE scandal can clearly sense something “fishy”—not from the Pasig river which is at the backyard of Malacañang—inside the bulwark of trapos.

One would usually hear an Administration crony protect their beloved queen and her not-so-gentle-man by arguing that the deal has been canceled and that this issue is already closed.

But is it the issue of having a case closed? Would this be the situation had Joey De Venecia kept his mouth shut? Would this be the case had Jun Lozada stayed in Hongkong, and hid the truth inside a Chinese fortune cookie?

The administration’s defense that the deal has been canceled, and for that, it should be forgotten, is a pathetic tactic done by a snatcher who believes that his mistakes will be covered up by saying “Hey, I didn’t get anything from you.” (Because he was caught even before getting something)

The Bible defines adultery not merely as the act of having “voluntary sexual intercourse between a married person and a partner other than the lawful spouse.” The Bible says that even THINKING about it is adulterous.

How I wish that George Orwell’s idea of a Thought Crime would be applicable to politicians who have the nerve to THINK of stealing the taxpayer’s hard-earned money for their personal gain.

The issue being inquired in the senate is not a closed case; it has just begun.

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