Friday, May 1, 2009

The Injustice Done to Jun Lo*

“Crucify Jesus! Free Barrabas!”

This is what I immediately heard upon watching from the news last night that Jun Lozada, the whistle blower of the NBN-ZTE scandal, was arrested for perjury. I’m not saying that Lozada is Christ-like; he is way too far from that. But his case is quite parallel to that of Christ: You spread the good news; you expose the malady of the system; you inform the people about the official’s lies and scandals, and in return, you get persecuted and imprisoned.

Because of this, I can’t help but think: How many Jews actually voted for Christ’s crucifixion? The Bible did not give us statistics; but from Pontius Pilate’s wordings, we were given the idea that majority voted for Barrabas’s release and Christ’s crucifixion.

“When Pilate saw that he could prevail nothing, but [that] rather a tumult was made, he took water, and washed [his] hands before the multitude, saying, I am innocent of the blood of this just person: see ye [to it].” Matthew 27:24 (KJV)

However, what we saw in front of the Manila Police District is quite in contrast with what happened to Christ. What we saw are enraged people asking for Jun Lozada’s release and Jovito Palparan’s imprisonment. (Fortunately, the rallyists did not ask for Palparan’s crucifixion. That is too holy for a slaughterer. He should face a firing squad, just as his victims faced the bullets that were purchased using the taxpayers’ money.)

Somehow, I’d like to think that Pilate’s “simplistic” judiciary procedure is a viable solution to put an end to the corruption and human rights cases (among others) of the present administration. I can’t help but suggest: Let’s put these cases to a vote. All those who want to punish GMA and her cronies raise hands… Oh, I’m quite sure that majority of the Filipinos would even raise their feet.

But that’s too far from reality.

If the Magdalo is truly regrouping, then the present administration (and the people) should be ready. Jun Lozada is probably just one of the “stimulators” for another coup; or who knows? Civil war?

*pun intended

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