Thursday, August 23, 2012


I saw the face of death today. That moment of imp... 


A split second of disbelief; a dream within a dream; a reality within a dream; or a reality within reality. I really don't know. I got a little bit confused. 

It was a sharp curve in Biluso. I was running on just 30, but there was a tricycle that caught me by surprise. It was running slow too, but the sudden appearance shook me.

The road was wet because of the morning drizzle. Everything happened too fast. I stumbled down and my head banged on the road. Thank God I have a helmet to protect my not-so-essential skull. It was the bitterest kiss i have tasted. I stood up quickly. The passengers on the tricycle got a little dazed in disbelief. The driver asked "Ayos lang pre?" ("Are you ok, man?") with a chagrin. I replied with a wave. Of course, I didn't remove my helmet. It was my protection: against the impact and against the humiliation.

When I looked back, Battlehopper (the name of my motorcycle) was there lying. He was hurt too. I could tell it from the bruises he attained after the impact and with the dislocated side mirror. Good thing his eyes (headlights) weren't damaged. On the road, my bag, with my laptop inside, was also contemplating. They were dizzy and asking, "What has just happened?" I could tell it when I picked them up. Good thing that my laptop wasn't really hurt that bad (proof is that I'm still typing on it now). 

I gathered myself up and uttered a prayer "Thank you Lord, I'm still alive."  I moved on and reached school safely. 

I saw the face of death today. It was brief though, because God sent an angel to snatch me away from him. 

That moment of impact was His swift rescue.

BANG! It is finished.

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