Saturday, December 31, 2011


About 10 years ago, when I transferred to Manila to pursue my college degree, I unconsciously buried my laid back lifestyle here in Cavite and worked hard to live up with the fast-paced flow of life in the Metro. I have learned how to love what is fast: fast cars, fast computers, fast transactions, and yes, even fast decisions.

Because I was into debating, I thought finding out the most “sound” argument and spitting it out is enough to “escape” a situation. But I was wrong, I realized that bluffing doesn’t work in the real world.
10 years later, Jesus put me into a state of pause and slowed me down. This year, the Lord made me realize that being “fast” isn’t always good.

During my hiatus, I talked to our pastor and he taught me probably the best lesson I learned this year: DOING DAILY DEVOTION.

For almost a year now, I have learned that communicating with God every morning, before doing anything else (yup, that includes brushing my teeth or drinking coffee), sets the day right.

Ptr. Marlon was right. Because of problems, we are fooled by Satan. We are made to think that our problem is so big that Jesus is no match to it. But hey! If we’ll just learn to SLOW DOWN a bit and reflect before we face the giant in front of us, we’ll be able to crush it down, just like what David did with Goliath! Why do we always force ourselves to solve a problem when we haven’t even tried the best and most effective solution of all? PRAYER

My daily Bible reading (well, of course, I would admit that I have missed some days) coupled with prayers slowed down my mornings. Before, I thought I don’t even have a time to stop for a while to pray because of my busy life. But I have realized that it’s just a matter of commitment.

Another realization that I have learned this year is the fact that most often, we only pray when we need something, but we forget to turn to God when everything is fine. I learned that even during our happiest moments, we should still talk to God. In a family or office, you wouldn’t be happy if your mother or father or boss, will only talk to you when there’s something wrong.

2011 was also a year of mythbusting experiences. They say when you start your year with “bad luck” the rest of the year will go wrong. WRONG! I started this year with hell, and ended it up victoriously through the help of Jesus! He used a lot of people to encourage me. I was reminded of Romans 8:1, that there is no more condemnation once we are in Jesus. The world will condemn us, but Jesus will embrace us if we humbly confess our sins to him and ask for his forgiveness—just like what he did with the robber beside him during the crucifixion. Our God is truly a loving father.

There’s so many more, but I guess I’ll reserve it to my next blogs. Ideas are juggled inside my head, and so many ideas and reminders are coming out, and I’m afraid that this blog might end up incoherent.
I’d like to end by sharing my last devotion for 2011:

8 We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; 9persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. 10 We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body.

2 Corinthians 4:8-10

The world will persecute us. It will not be kind to us. It will discourage us. At times, we will fall, we will fail, we will falter, but never should we give up. Because if we really have Jesus in our hearts, then we should have a faith like a child, that NOTHING is IMPOSSIBLE with our Big GOD!

Thank you for reading. Have a blessed new year ahead of you! 


I'd like to thank a number of people who helped me a lot this year (I hope not to miss anyone)

1. My Family (mama, papa, ate, kuya obin, nene, and Robbie!) 
2. Kay
3. My Cell Leader: Ptr. Marlon Choa and Ptra. Michel Choa
4. My Cell and the SK Praise and Worship team
5. Team Bucal (for the Basketball nights)
6. Paolo
7. Ali
8. ...and many more! (the Lord will be the one to return the blessings to you! =) )

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