Sunday, June 17, 2007

Wishful Thinking

A few minutes ago, while riding the jeepney from Carmel Mall to NTMA, I saw factory workers and employees boarding their shuttle services that—I assume—will bring them to a drop point near their houses. Upon seeing them, I immediately sighed and thought “How I wish that NYK—one of the biggest shipping companies in the world—and TDG—a Filipino business conglomerate ‘with a heart with vision, growth and compassion’—will provide its faculty and staff at NTMA with a similar shuttle service.” It does not need to be elegant; it does not need to be savvy; it does not need to be air-conditioned. All we need, I reckon, is a shuttle service that will pick us up every Sunday evening from a certain point (e.g. Mayapa) and bring us to NTMA; then, during Fridays, bring us to the same point, for us to get an easy access to the buses going to Manila.

Suddenly, upon reaching San Sebastian, the driver barked at me and told me that it’s the end of his line. My thought balloon popped and I realized that I should start walking towards NTMA. Indeed, some dreams come true…some do not. Who knows?

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